Why All Athletes Should Try Acupuncture

Athletes can end up putting their bodies through a lot of physical stress on game day — not to mention the countless hours of training and conditioning to get to this peak athletic level.

Sports physiotherapy is important for enhanced recovery and injury prevention. Physiotherapists give evidence-based advice to help athletes move better and recover faster, allowing them to safely enjoy their sport.

Acupuncture is a popular, minimally invasive and drug-free therapy, offered at most physiotherapy clinics to improve the recovery time between injuries and manage pain.

In this article, you’ll understand why all athletes should try acupuncture therapy as part of their sports optimization planning and the benefits you can from doing so.

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture therapy has been around as early as 100 BC in China. This form of therapy involves inserting fine needles through the skin and into the targeted energy meridians to manipulate the flow of life energy (Qi) in the body.

At most physiotherapy clinics, acupuncture or dry needle therapy involves sterile, single-use needles inserted at myofascial trigger points to force muscles to contract and relax.

This sensation often brings about a huge feeling of relief, reducing pain, and promoting the body’s natural healing process.

Each physiotherapy treatment plan is unique to each patient. Acupuncture for athletes is determined by their sport, lifestyle, health condition, and wellness goals.

What Are the Benefits of Acupuncture?

The most common reason patients seek acupuncture therapy from a physiotherapist clinic is to manage chronic pain and rehabilitate an injury without using drugs or surgery.

There are numerous acupuncture benefits for athletes, including:

  • Pain relief
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Improved range of motion and flexibility
  • Regulate the nervous system for improved energy
  • Minimize muscle fatigue between training sessions
  • Improve stress and relaxation

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

It often takes anywhere from 3–5 treatments for the full benefits of acupuncture therapy to be experienced.

The number of acupuncture sessions you’ll need will depend on your condition’s severity, which will be discussed with your therapist.

Having a session once a week is usually the most common approach. They can also be combined with other forms of physiotherapy, such as manual manipulation, massage and shockwave therapy.

Does Dry Acupuncture Hurt?

Most patients say they feel relaxed after their acupuncture appointment. The needles are very fine and most people don’t feel them being inserted into the skin (other than a slight pinching sensation).

Depending on the nature of your injury and your level of pain tolerance, you may feel some slight discomfort when the needles are forcing your muscles to contract and release. With that being said, however, everyone’s experience with acupuncture may differ.

The important thing to remember is that any feelings of discomfort are temporary. The sensation of throbbing or tingling should subside within 24 hours.

Contact gesund Today

Physiotherapists are extremely knowledgeable in athletic strength and conditioning to optimize performance and avoid the recurrence of injuries.

Acupuncture is a common therapy applied for rehabilitating an injury, as it helps to naturally reduce pain and improve the speed of recovery by stimulating the body’s recovery response.

Take the steps today to improve your athletic conditioning and performance by booking an appointment with one of our physiotherapists at gesund.

We’re happy to provide you with lifestyle advice to optimize your health, with a wide range of treatment plans that are designed to help you move and feel your best.

Call us at 416-913-5170 or schedule an appointment online!

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