The exterior of gesund at 614 Church Street in downtown Toronto.

Cancellation Policy at Gesund

Prioritizing Your Wellness and Our Commitment

At Gesund, your well-being is our top priority, and we appreciate your understanding of our cancellation policy. Patient appointments are the lifeblood of our clinic and essential for the livelihood of our therapists. When an appointment is booked, the reserved time becomes unavailable to others.

Late Arrival: Adjustments for Punctuality

In the case of late arrival, we strive to accommodate your session by shortening the appointment duration. However, the patient is charged the full amount of the originally scheduled appointment. This policy ensures fairness to both our therapists and other scheduled patients.

Late Cancellation: Upholding Fairness

Our cancellation policy also extends to late cancellations. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we appreciate your diligence in adhering to our policy.

We require a minimum 24-hour notice of cancellation of an appointment.

Missed Appointments: Impact and Resolution

A missed appointment not only results in unused time but also affects the income of both the therapist and the clinic. To address this, in the event of a missed appointment, an invoice reflecting the amount of the missed session is generated in the patient’s account and promptly emailed. We kindly request full payment of this invoice before scheduling your next appointment at Gesund.

Understanding and compliance with our cancellation policy contribute to maintaining a harmonious environment at Gesund. We value your commitment to your wellness journey and appreciate your cooperation in upholding the policies that support the sustainability of our clinic.

Thank you for choosing Gesund for your massage and chiropractic needs in downtown Toronto. If you have any questions or concerns about our cancellation policy, feel free to contact our team. We look forward to providing you with exceptional care and ensuring a positive experience during your appointments at Gesund.