Chiropractic Treatment and Motor Vehicle Injuries

Patients who have been in motor vehicle accidents — or MVA — and are suffering from motor vehicle injuries often don’t know how to alleviate their pain and return their life to normalcy. Luckily, chiropractic treatment is one of the most effective and affordable healthcare solutions to motor vehicle injuries that doesn’t require prescription drugs or invasive, expensive surgery.

Our team at gesund is pleased to offer the following information on our chiropractic treatments and how they can help our patients who have been in an MVA.

Common Conditions Caused by MVA

Even the most minor of car accidents can have lasting and debilitating effects on your physical well-being. The most typical conditions caused by motor vehicle accidents that our chiropractors treat involve neck and spinal injuries.

It’s very common for patients who’ve sustained a MVA, especially those who have been the victim of a rear-end accident, to struggle with lasting pain from whiplash and related neck injuries. In more severe cases, MVA can even leave patients with scar tissue that impacts their muscle function, or broken bones that make it nearly impossible to perform daily activities.

What is Chiropractic Treatment?

Our health professionals at gesund practice a drug-free, manual approach to health care for our patients — known as chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment helps us assess our patients’ injuries that are related to their spine, pelvis, joints and even their nervous system. In other words, chiropractic treatment is much more than just a remedy for common back pain.

At gesund, our chiropractors use their hands for most common treatments — but are also well-versed in using methods such as heat, light, specialized adjusting instruments, ultrasound, personalized exercise programs, muscle-testing and much more. We provide each and every one of our patients with the information and guidance they need on how to stay healthy and approach their motor vehicle injuries with care.

How Can Chiropractic Treatment Treat MVA?

Chiropractic treatment is a healing discipline firmly grounded in science, and our team of healthcare professionals is excited to share the effectiveness of spinal and chiropractic manipulation for patients who suffer from MVA.

Now that you have a better understanding of how MVA can affect your daily life (as well as how chiropractic treatment works), you can consider visiting a chiropractor to treat your motor vehicle injuries. However, how does chiropractic treatment work effectively for MVA, anyway?

Simply put, chiropractic treatment for neck and shoulder pain caused by MVA works over the long-term. Injuries caused by MVA, such as whiplash, can sometimes be tough to notice by yourself and only become obvious months or even years after your accident and pain becomes more severe. To counter these effects, chiropractic treatment eases this inflammation and prevents severe long-term pain — which, if left unchecked, can affect how long it takes before chiropractic treatment works effectively for our patients.

At gesund, our team understands the value of treating MVA without invasive surgical procedures or prescription drugs. We use massage therapy and techniques in muscle stimulation to help patients get rid of joint pains, spinal misalignments and buildup of scar tissue so that they can take back control of their lives, pain-free.

Explore gesund’s Chiropractic Treatment Options

At gesund, we understand how difficult it can be to return to your daily life after you’ve suffered a MVA. That’s why our team of expert chiropractors pride themselves on only the highest level of quality health care, at affordable rates that can help you put your life back on track.

If you’re interested in how our non-invasive treatments and hands-on methods can improve your quality of life post-MVA, don’t wait any longer than you need to. Book an appointment with the team at gesund today, by calling us at (416)-913-5170 or by visiting us on our website.

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