Health Tips for Frequent Flyers

Flying presents many health challenges to frequent fliers. The overall stress, the lack of a consistent healthy diet, the extended periods of sitting, the effects of cabin air and the

Avoiding Back Injuries from Yard Work

With summer at an end, the leaves are turning brown and falling, cluttering up your yard and garden – so it’s only natural you’ll want to get the rake out.

Spotting and Avoiding Trans Fats

You’ve probably heard that trans fats are bad for you. You may even be looking for them on product labels. But what about all the foods that don’t have nutrition

Do I Really Need to Stretch

Stretching is the part of our workout regimen many of us tend to skip. We might say it is because of lack of time, impatience or a feeling that stretching

Whats the Difference between Name Brand and Generic Drugs?

Generic drugs are medications that include the same active ingredient at the same dosage as a brand-name drug. The US Food and Drug Administration requires that generic drugs have exactly

Obesity Facts and Figures

Obesity is fast becoming the number one health problem in the world, contributing to an increased risk of other diseases and putting a strain on national health budgets. Following are

Chiropractic for Hip Pain

Your hips and legs support your entire body. They provide stability, strength, mobility, and flexibility. Misalignment or subluxation of the spine can cause both hip and leg pain by irritating

Common Causes of Back Pain

Understanding the cause of your back pain is the key to proper treatment. There are many different underlying conditions that cause back pain. The more common causes of back pain

Are You Sitting Properly?

If you are an office worker you probably spend at least six or seven hours a day sitting on the job. Add more time sitting in the car, at dinner

How to Properly Fit Your Bicycle Helmet

You can get your bicycle helmet in different sizes, just like a hat. Once you’ve got the proper size, there are a few steps to take to ensure it fits