My journey to becoming a Naturopathic Doctor

I believe health is the natural state of the body, and that health doesn’t come from a quick-fix pill.

I believe the mind and how you treat yourself has a huge impact on the health of your body. I believe health doesn’t have to feel like a hardship or a chore; it can feel like the reward you are giving yourself for choosing to live!

I wasn’t planning a life in medicine.  I was going to work in a research lab.  My life changed direction when I was 12 and my father became ill.  He’s an intelligent, resourceful man and he began to digest medical information at warp-speed.  He learned that not all diets are healthy for everyone.  He learned that taking food supplements could be very powerful medicine.  He learned that there was a huge community devoted to a greater method of healthcare; one that encourages the involvement of the patient in their health, and that seeks to find the cause of disease and overcome it fully.

He learned all of these things.  Hence, so did I.

I dreaded each new book he read because it would translate into a new food I was no longer allowed to eat, or a new supplement/exercise/health-food.  But before I knew it, health and the new paradigm had become my life and my passion.

I have used myself as a guinea pig for countless supplements, dietary changes, and acupuncture protocols.

I regularly self-inject with vitamin B12, folic acid, and glutathione.   There have been disasters, and there have been epiphanies!  The diet that made the most significant changes in my father’s health, and then my own was eating according to my blood type, and later, my genotype.

Many of us assume that the genes we inherited from our parents are what we are stuck with, and there’s no changing our future diseases. However, a surprisingly high percentage (estimated at between 70-75%) of our genes are capable of having their level of expression changed by environmental influences. Think of it like a tiny ‘volume control’ that regulates just how much of that particular gene is active. Changes in our environment can impact the volume controls.  For example, the appearance of a toxin in our body will turn up the volume controls on the genes that code for enzymes that can destroy the toxin.

The diet we follow can have a huge impact on turning genes on and off.  Genes that code for diseases can be turned down, and genes that code for improved health can be turned up.  I use diets and treatments aimed at altering these volume controls with many of my patients today.

I love knowing that I can help people feel better today, have the energy required to create the life they want to have, and move into the future healthily.

We can change the expression of your genes; how cool is that?!?

I love what I do…

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