Choosing the Right Desk Chair

For the majority of us who work in office and at desk jobs, we spend a great deal of time sitting down. While sitting for most of the day seems

Chiropractic for Chronic Back Pain

About a third of the millions of people who make appointments with chiropractors every year seek relief from back pain. Back pain can be acute, meaning it happens suddenly, lasts

Role of Antioxidants in Good Health

Everyone has heard about the importance of a balanced diet for maintaining good health. Similarly, everyone knows that they should be getting exercise – or at the very least adding

Move Furniture Without Hurting Your Back

Many people hurt their back by trying to move large, heavy furniture, which can happen even to big burly guys. Lifting furniture the wrong way can cause serious injury that

When to Consider Foot Orthotics

Good spinal health is built from the ground up, starting with the feet. For years medical researchers and healthcare providers have recognized that problems there can cause posture changes that

Recognizing Signs of Alzheimers Disease

Signs of Alzheimer’s disease may be confused with signs of dementia. The difference between the two is that dementia refers to a set of symptoms such as a loss of

Proper Form is the Key to Safe Soccer Headers

The question of whether repeated headers in the game of soccer have a long-term impact on the brain or cognitive function is a raging debate among experts with no clear

Home Care for Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains are not only the result of sports injuries, they can occur when you bend or turn the wrong way when carrying heavy groceries, from gardening or putting

Proper Warm ups before Weight Training

Warming up properly before you do weight training is important in helping to avoid injury to your muscles, and may reduce post-workout aches and pains. A proper warm up increases

Pedometers are an Inexpensive Way to Get Moving

Incidental exercise is the physical activity we get throughout the day when we move around. You don’t have to go to a gym, change your clothes or complete a routine.